
Faking it in New York- 6 Months In

Brooklyn Living

Hey! It’s been a while… Like a long while so let’s get this update out of the way!! Technically it’s almost 7 months living here, but 6 months is the halfway point. It’s been a helluva ride so far, and I’m just now getting started. My apartment living isn’t too shabby: I’m living in East Williamsburg/Bushwick (depending on who you ask) along with my two roommates who are almost never home. They both are from Long Island so they go home practically every weekend, which is nice because I enjoy my alone time. I’m casually perusing 1 bedroom apartments and holy shit it is E X P E N S I V E, but I really want to live alone. It’s probably a control thing. I want the mess in my home to be mine, the furniture and the way things are decorated to be mine, and mostly I want to only clean up my things. It’s my goal that at the end of the year/when my lease is up that I will be in a financially secure situation to move out on my own!

Work Life

I started a long term temp situation after the PA job I moved here for fell through. Long Story Short: They ran out of funding and could not longer pay me. Currently, I am the office manager at the Moda Operandi studio. I get to be surrounded by incredible luxury fashion brands every day, I’m learning more about e-commerce and trends, and the people there make coming to work so much more enjoyable. Expect more on this soon.
As for photography etc. it’s been pretty slow, but since I’ve shifted focus to learning and expanding my craft along with a slew of personal projects I don’t mind at all.

Personal Life

My personal life is… doing better. I’m used to being such a homebody that I kinda forgot that I live in one of the greatest cities in the world. I need to not be afraid to go out and do things and explore on my own. I’m blogging again/more often, and hanging out with friends. Luckily, my work friends are pretty amazing so I’ve found my little posse and enjoying life rn.

What to expect in the future:

  • More blogs

  • A Youtube

  • Travel photos

  • Product Reviews

  • Personal Style photos

I’m excited to show you fall in the city!! So stay tuned!!
What are you looking forward to the most about the weather change?

25 Things I've Learned Since Turning 25

My birthday is less than 3 months away, so I thought now was as good a time as ever to reflect on my trials, tribulations, mistakes, and triumphs I've stumbled through in my 25 years on this planet. Also note that I have a Mango-Rita in hand to guide me to loose lips and typing errors. Here we go.

1- Most important: Your parents love you. A lot. They want only the best for you, even if only within the scope of their world. Do not devalue their love. Do not deny it, because it is there. It is an unending wellspring of support.

2- You are going to grow up a little bit racist against your own people. It's okay (not really) but you'll grow out of it, and feel a fuckton of guilt.

3- The sooner you get a handle of your time management woes. The better off you will be.

4- High school friends are overrated, but cherish the ones that you do keep

5- 2 attempts. 0 successes. That must mean something

6- Pot is lit.

7- Pot is also an addiction, but thankfully the withdrawals for you include massive bouts of crankiness.

8- Perspective is everything. Try to keep an open mind and look at problems from all viewpoints. 

9- It's okay to judge people. Just remember that you may do the same exact thing in their situation. Oh- and people judge you, too.

10- Internet friends are real friends. Some of the women in your life right now are going to be the closest confidantes you will have

11- Internet bullies are fucking real, too. People say that you can just shut your computer off, and they'll go away... but their words will haunt you for a long time.

12- Emotional abuse and physical intimidation is real. You'll wake up from nightmares for months. People will refuse to believe you. You will get threatened again and again. However, you are a resiliant person, and you'll have an amazing group of friends to get you through

13- Don't trash people. Chances are that person will show their ass in the end.

14- Focus on your own path. Stop looking at others' success and becoming bitter, that'll only delay your own triumphs

15- Flicking people off can lead to lit cigarettes being flung into your car. Yikes.

16- Finish what you start. The pride you feel when bringing a project to a close is immensely satisfying.

17- No one gives a fuck about your personal life. If you say you're going to get something done do it.

18- Don't be late. It's unprofessional

19- Invest in a good suit. 

20- Frying your hair off with bleach is the best mistake you'll ever make so far.

21- Focus on cultivating your character, and your morals. Outside beauty will fade eventually

22- Your sister is a gem. Cherish her.

23- No friend is perfect. They WILL say and do things that are not in line with your moral code. That doesn't mean that you should write them off. Work through these issues so that you may grow together.

24- True apologies are hard. But you will feel relief when you say the words

25- You are a Francis. That means you can do anything.